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Tens of thousands of people lined up this weekend to see the world come to an end in the new movie "2012." The disaster movie was number designer sunglasses discount one at the box- office.
Now, according to numerous sources, mainly on the Internet, in the actual year 2012, a planet called Nibiru will crash into the Earth, resulting in the extinction of the human race; or the Earth's magnetic poles will flip, causing the planet's rotation to reverse armani sunglasses for women direction, resulting in the extinction of the human race; or the Earth will enter a dark rift in the Milky Way galaxy, resulting in the extinction of the human race.
David Morrison is an astrobiologist at NASA, and he's been answering hundreds of questions from people who are concerned about armani sunglasses men what may happen in the year 2012. He joins us from his office in California.
Mr. DAVID MORRISON (Astrobiologist, NASA): Hi, glad to be here.
RAZ: What is NASA doing to prevent the planet Nibiru from crashing into Earth and creating a disaster?
Mr. MORRISON: NASA has nothing to do with the Planet Nibiru because it doesn't exist. What NASA is going, or perhaps I should say what I am doing, is try to answer all these people who are really scared and see if we can't get some facts out to counteract the mythology on the Internet.
RAZ: What about magnetic poles flipping?
Mr. MORRISON: The Earth reverses its magnetic polarity once every 400,000, 500,000 years. There's no reason to think it will happen now, no reason to think it would cause a problem if it did, and more to the point, it's just fake to say that if the magnetic polarity changed, that would have anything to do with the rotation. They're uncoupled.

