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Tennis is one of camiseta real madrid niño the games played in the Olympics and one of the most popular. The word tennis alone would automatically refer to lawn tennis while the table tennis is referred as is it is or ping pong. The difference between the two is implied in nueva camiseta real madrid 2012 their names: lawn tennis is played on the lawn/grass while the table tennis is played in the table and uses a much smaller racket.
Both games of tennis are played by either two people (called singles) or two teams with two people each (doubles) with each holding a racket. The objective of the game is simple: to pass the ball successfully to the opponent's side without breaking the rules.
Before playing tennis, it is important to know the rules first. You may ignore camiseta manga larga real madrid its history, its origin, or whatever, but never skip the rules. So, here are the basic rules that a beginner would need to know.