Camiseta Eslovaquia,
It is easy to envy the owner who traded away Brady before the season started or the owner who ended up with a backfield of Marshawn Lynch and Brian Westbrook through some well timed trades. ? It's not easy to be that owner. ? Trading is a tough game of chess, we all want to sacrifice our pawn for a queen but the moves aren't so obvious. ? The golden rule of trading is information. The more information you have the better deal you will get.
Well what kind of information do I need Gujupike? Here are the questions that should be answered before you accept or offer any trade. The three most obvious questions, which I will NOT address, are: where does my team need improvement (you should know how to spot that), who has players that can improve my team (basic skill), and how can this trade be beneficial for me. ? If you don't know those three before going into trade than you are bound to get outclassed.
Master these next few steps and watch your ranking improve.
What does my opponent want for his player? It’s not so important what they need it is more important what they want! That is a key that many players forget. They offer up trades that are, by all means, fair trades and do improve both teams but if your opponent doesn’t believe in Kurt Warner, or is a Raiders fan and can’t stand Jay Cutler there is no point in offering that trade. You will not get the value you deserve. It is important to talk to your fellow owners. replicas camisetas de futbolicas , If you are in a league with people you know than talk football with them as much as you can. Don’t probe for information because they will notice that and mislead you. Just simply talk football. Camiseta Eslovaquia , The most honest conversations will reveal the most information. Do not be afraid to give information to get it. Just make sure you get more information than you give.
Research Research, Research. For the players that you want and for the ones you are giving up know as much about them as possible. Know their schedule, their bye weeks, there strengths. As much research as you put into drafting player should be done into trading him away or trading for him. I wouldn’t say its important to know the nuances of each player but take a glance at their stat sheet. Here is what you are looking for: Did your player got most of his points from one game or was it evenly spread throughout the last two weeks? Example: Hank Baskett, a lot of owners mistakenly jumped all over him after week one because they saw that he had over 100 yards receiving and a touchdown. Camiseta BRASIL , However, those owners failed to realize that 90 of his yards came on one play and those owners were severely punished on week 2. Also another player that can be deceiving is Santana Moss. He has over 200 yards receiving in two games but 146 came from one game. If a running back ran for 95 yards make sure it wasn’t one long run for 80 and then 10 runs for 15 yards. Know thy players Know thy opponent.