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Every year the Stanley Cup trophy is awarded to the team who wins the National Hockey League playoffs championship. ? From its humble beginnings as an award for Canada's top ranking amateur ice hocking club, it has become one of the most coveted trophies in professional sports leagues.
The origin of the famous Cup is attributed to Lord Stanley of Preston. ray-ban sunglasses 2012 , discount oakley sunglasses , ? Appointed in 1888 by Queen Victoria as Governor General of Canada, Stanley and his family became fans of ice hockey while watching a game during the 1889 Winter Carnival in Montreal. mens designer sunglasses sale , ? At that time there weren't many organized hockey leagues in Canada. ? Stanley and his sons got involved in the sport and formed a new team called the Ottawa Rideau Hall Rebels and later helped form the Ontario Hockey Association.
A trophy was needed to acknowledge the victory of a hockey championship, and Stanley's idea of a challenge cup to be awarded each year to the top amateur hockey team in Canada was born. ? Made of silver in Sheffield, England, Stanley purchased a decorative punch bowl and inscribed the words "Dominion Hockey Challenge Cup" and "From Stanley of Preston" on opposite sides of the outside rim of the bowl. ? He donated the trophy in 1892 and it was first awarded in 1893 to the Montreal Hockey Club.