The shape that your thoughts take in the months/weeks/days before an event, the day before, minutes before, and even during a bout can have serious consequences on your ability to perform. And, even if you haven't become a victim of stress. a relaxed mind can work wonders on your game.
Constructive Thoughts and Methods That Can Help in Your Game
Let's start with constructive thoughts during a game and then work backwards to just before the game, and then go back camiseta schalke 04 even further to the weeks and months before a game.
During the Game
It will be great if you can completely push out all unnecessary thoughts and focus on the game at hand (like the martial artist quoted above). But this kind of ideal condition is not always possible. As per the quote, the voices of past experience guiding me is a kind of a cue that this athlete uses to prompt the right action at different stages of the game. The cue technique is a very effective method to keep yourself on track during a bout.
Cue technique: During the match, you can talk to yourself in your head and constantly cue your moves and actions. These cues can be regarding any of the following:
- your moves at different stages of the game
- your posture
- motion or momentum - when you are stuck in camiseta sevilla fc a tough lock
- distraction breaking cues ( say a forceful 'STOP' inside your head)
- pep talk when you start losing confidence
- cues to initiate a Submission without losing the opportunity (say 'NOW' inside your head)
Whenever I spar I always have a bunch of things running through my mind not pertinent to the match. I have never been able to clear my mind of thoughts prior to the start of the match. Therefore as the camiseta de la seleccion española de futbol match starts and I find myself purposely not thinking in sparring and letting my subconscious repertoire of moves come into play.
Mental rehearsal: The subconscious repertoire of moves referred to by this athlete include various alternative moves, best styles, submissions, or defense moves that you had planned to use when you strategize. All these have to bounce around on the surface of your mind to help you make the right decision. This approach works if your mental preparation has been thorough, with several repeated mental rehearsals of styles and moves, so that all the information that you require is stored in your memory. However, instinctive movement works only up to a point, and real thinking is necessary to gauge your opponent's strategy and to deliver your moves accordingly.
Just before a game: In the waiting time just before a game, there is significant variation in the thoughts and mind states of different grapplers and combat athletes. The five prominent mind states are
- Activated
- Calm and serene
- Strategy-oriented
- Chaotic and high-strung
- Negative